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My Playing History

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Here's some more photos...

At the Alberni Valley Forest Festival -- July 11th/03

The Log Jam Blues Concert at the New Capitol Theatre
with Sam Hurrie

Whistle Stop Pub August 17th/03

Whistle Stop Pub - August 17th/03 - Dave Lyons on Bass

Whistle Stop Pub August 17th/03
Doug Supple on Guitar - Art van Volsen on Drums

Jamming with Jerry Doucette (read more about Jerry here and here) at the Arbuckle Pub
May 2002 - Courtenay, BC

Jerry Doucette at the Arbuckle Pub - Courtenay BC - May 2002

Jerry Doucette at the Arbuckle - May 2002


A pic of me playing with Rattlesnake Shake.

and a pic of Rattlesnake Shake at the Mex Pub with
(left to right) me, Sam Hurrie, Peter Bryant and Barry Polichek.