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Learn how to play harmonica - online harmonica lessons by Tony Eyers

Tony is a skilled multi-style player and a quick visit to his site will show you he's a skilled educator. Tony's site is not free but the prices are very fair and available in duration from 6 months to 2 years. The lessons are extremely well laid out, logical in progression and (very important) brain dead easy to use and follow. I like this site and even though it's not free, I'm happy to recommend it.

A great strength of Tony's site is the attention played to more melodic as well as strictly blues techniques. That means that players of world music, folk, country and bluegrass will find what they need, but it also means that blues players are given the opportunity to stretch the genre with seldom heard but very effective melodic techniques.

Speaking personally (and I'm sure Tony's experiences back me up as well), knowing melodic techniques in detail greatly increases both the range of music you'll be able to play but also the opportunities you'll be provided as a player.

Adam Gussow's Keys to the Kingdom...

Adam Gussow is a heckuva harp player. Me, I'm OK, too, but Adam is one of the very special ones.

So here's what the bugger does:

He lays out on YouTube
over 40 lessons about how to play blues harp, from very very beginner to certified screamin' funkmonkey, and he does it in a way that pretty much means that if you can see and hear, you'll get it. Probably quickly.


The whole shmoo: tone, technique, equipment, effects and tricks. Whammo. Not all there is but so close to it y'can feel the breeze. Mr. Gussow mentions he thinks a dedicated type could put it all together enough for pro work in about two years. I think he's right.

The lessons are organized, easy to follow and thorough. I've played for maybe 40 years as a pro and semi-pro and I'm quite decent. I learned very useful new-to-me stuff in lesson two.

I'm certainly not going to support competition in my trade by constantly reminding people about Adam's near-total destruction of the market for blues harmonica teachers in the english speaking world. There is no way I will constantly repeat that I've never encountered better lessons, nor will I unfailingly be advising readers that so far in the series a student requires 10-hole diatonic harmonicas in the keys of Bb, C, D and I think F and G. It would be foolish if I repeated further that the Bb will get a person through the first 10-15 lessons or so.

It would only be adding to the damage were I to even occasionally reiterate that it'd be an idea to get a good harp to start, at least the quality of the quite serviceable
Suzuki Harpmaster or better. Adam uses Hohner
Marine Bands/Model 1896 (not my first choice, but they're good pro level harps).

Bottom line: I teach harmonica and if you want to play well, you don't really need me anymore. I'll be happy to help, but almost everything you'd want to know is in these lessons, and everything you need to know is right out in the open.

There. I've told you.

The blues harp keys to the kingdom are laying out in plain view.

Don't let this news get out.

And don't expect me to remind you.

Yes, I do still help folks learn but I don't teach steady...
in scenic Peace River, Alberta :-)
For details, email me at 

Again--there's no point re-inventing the wheel. There are some other great lesson sites on the 'net, too. Here are a few...


The Diatonic Harmonica Reference

Chromatic Harmonica Reference

Lessons @

Jon Gindick's Site 
Wilbur's Music & Blues Page

Lessons @ The JT-30 Page

Glenn Weiser's Country Blues & Blues Harp Pages 
Classic Blues Harp tablature and so much more--great history, great site!

Blues and Celtic Harmonica Page by Glenn Weiser
a large (and very good) harmonica site with free tab, info on Glenn's books, 
and more--a second listing 'cause there's much more than blues here.


What isn't addressed so often on the 'net is what could be called "Performance Notes" or "Tips for Jammers", so HERE THEY ARE:

Successful Jamming                                            Successful Practice    
Developing a Personal Style

Pacemaker Tempo Speed and Pitch Controller

Something very handy to have is software that slows down tunes without affecting pitch. That way you can slow down riffs to analyze them. This WinAmp plug-in does that and a bit more handy stuff too--and it's free.

Here's the Pacemaker Tempo Controller Homepage for the most recent version.


From: The Smoking Gun (a great website):

Say what ya want about Ashlee Simpson, but her Concert Rider is a real professional treat. I've always thought she took kinda a bad rap on that Saturday Night Live thing (coulda happened to all sorts of top-line acts). But Concert Riders are a good indication of just how mature, reasonable and professional an "artist" is gonna be. On a contrast and compare basis, Ashlee's reads like a breath of fresh air. Good for her.